The Do’s and Don’ts of Hearing Aid Maintenance

The Do’s and Don’ts of Hearing Aid Maintenance

In Hearing Loss by Dr. Arica Black, AuD

Dr. Arica Black, AuD

Although tiny, hearing aids pack a mighty punch when it comes to technology and power. Don’t let their size fool you, hearing aids involve many intricate parts, and also require regular maintenance to continue operating properly. Just as you wouldn’t expect your car or your home appliances to run forever without maintenance, the same principle is true with your hearing aids.

Understanding the Do’s and Don’ts of hearing aid care can help to prolong the life and efficacy of your hearing aids.

What to Do:

Do clean your hearing aids regularly. Hearing aids are more exposed to the elements than most of our other devices. They’re also more exposed to moisture from sweat or rain or debris from earwax buildup or dust in the air. Because of this, hearing aids require regular at-home maintenance. When cleaning your hearing aids follow these steps.

  • DO use a clean, dry, cloth to wipe down the exterior of your hearing aids and the microphone.
  • DON’T use water, cleaning solution, or any type of wet cleaning wipes unless they have been specifically purposed for use with a hearing aid
  • DO gently clear your hearing aids of excess earwax and debris using a specialized wax removal brush or wax pick.
  • DON’T try to take your hearing aids apart and clean the inside.
  • DO periodically open the battery compartment, remove the battery, and wipe the inside of the compartment with a clean, soft, and dry cloth.

Do store your hearing aids in a safe place. When you remove your hearing aids each night, store them somewhere that is cool and dry. It is also important to keep them out of reach of curious children or pets.


Do keep all of your follow-up appointments with your hearing healthcare provider.  This will give your hearing healthcare provider an opportunity to determine if your hearing aids are in need of a more professional cleaning. It will also allow your practitioner to finely tune your hearing aids to meet your specific needs, clear your ears of any earwax buildup that may be causing issues for your hearing aid, and determine if your hearing aid requires further repair or maintenance.


What NOT to Do:

Don’t wear your hearing aids in the shower or when swimming. It can be easy to forget your hearing aids when hopping into a hot shower at the end of the day or when soaking in the jacuzzi. It is also important to consider the moisture that your hearing aids are exposed to when you are in extreme humidity, or participating in rigorous exercise.


Don’t insert your hearing aids before getting ready in the morning. Hearing aids should be inserted after you have completed your morning routine, as hairsprays, perfumes, make-up, or blow dryers could potentially cause damage to your devices.


Don’t ignore issues with your hearing aids. When you run into problems with your hearing aids, it is important not to simply ignore them! Your hearing aids should be working to help you engage in conversation and better enjoy and participate in your daily life. More often than not, an issue with a hearing aid is easily solvable by removing earwax buildup, clearing of dust or debris, replacing a filter or simply adjusting the tuning. 


Don’t go at it alone. If you have an issue with your hearing aids that is not solved with a battery change or an at-home clean, each out to your hearing healthcare professional for assistance in getting your hearing aids maintained and back into tip top condition.

Hearing Aid Maintenance

If you have any questions on the proper care and maintenance of your specific hearing aids, do not hesitate to reach out to the friendly team at The Hearing Doctor. We will do our best to help assist you in properly caring for your devices, so that they provide you years of wear and use!